Dental Chewies

If you're using Invisalign aligners to achieve that perfect smile, then these tiny but mighty tools are about to become your new best friend. But what exactly are Invisalign Chewies, and why should you be using them? Read on to learn more.

The Importance of Using Chewies with Invisalign

When it comes to straightening your teeth, Invisalign has become a popular choice for many people. These clear aligners offer a discreet and convenient alternative to traditional braces. However, did you know that using chewies along with your Invisalign treatment can make a big difference in the effectiveness of the aligners? 

Chewies are small cylindrical cushions made of soft material, usually made from Styrene Copolymer. They are designed to help seat your aligners properly and ensure they fit snugly against your teeth. But why is this important?

Well, proper seating of the aligners is crucial because it helps apply consistent pressure on your teeth throughout the day. This pressure is what gradually moves them into their desired positions. If the aligners don't fit well or have any gaps between them and your teeth, they may not be able to exert enough force to achieve optimal results. 

By using chewies regularly during your treatment, you can enhance the fit of your aligners and improve their overall performance. Simply biting down on them for a few minutes each day helps to close any small gaps and ensures that the trays are fully seated against your teeth.

How Do Invisalign Chewies Work?

When you first start wearing your Invisalign trays, they may feel snug and tight against your teeth. This is because the aligners are designed to gradually shift your teeth into their desired positions. However, sometimes, there can be small gaps between the aligner and certain areas of your teeth.

This is where the Invisalign chewies come in handy. By biting down on them for a few minutes each day, you apply gentle pressure to help seat the aligners more securely against your teeth. 

The chewies act as an aid in making sure that all parts of your aligners are fitting properly and snugly against your teeth. They also help to distribute forces evenly across the entire surface area of each tooth.

Using Invisalign chewies regularly can optimize the effectiveness of your treatment by ensuring that every tooth receives consistent and balanced pressure from the aligners. So don't underestimate these simple yet powerful tools – they play a crucial role in achieving those beautiful straight smiles!

Benefits of Using Invisalign Chewies

Using Invisalign chewies can offer numerous benefits throughout your orthodontic treatment journey. Here are some advantages to incorporating these small yet mighty tools into your routine: 

  • Enhanced Aligner Fit: One of the key benefits of using Invisalign chewies is that they help improve the fit and effectiveness of your aligners. By biting down on the chewie, you apply gentle pressure to ensure that your aligners are snugly fitted against your teeth, promoting more precise tooth movement.
  • Accelerated Treatment Time: Regular use of chewies can potentially speed up the overall duration of your Invisalign treatment. The consistent application of force while chewing helps stimulate blood flow and encourages proper alignment, thus aiding in quicker progress toward achieving straighter teeth.
  • Reduced Discomfort: Wearing aligners might initially cause slight discomfort or pressure as they shift your teeth into their desired positions. However, chewing on a soft but firm material like an Invisalign chewie can alleviate this discomfort by distributing forces evenly across your dental arches.
  • Improved Oral Hygiene: Another added advantage is that using chewies promotes better oral hygiene during treatment with clear aligners. These handy tools help seat the trays correctly over each tooth, preventing gaps where food particles could get trapped and ensuring optimal oral cleanliness.


The benefits of incorporating Invisalign Chewies into your orthodontic journey are numerous. Remember to consult with your orthodontist about their recommendations for incorporating Invisalign Chewies into your treatment plan. They will guide you on how often to use them based on their assessment of your specific needs. 

Embrace this valuable tool and let it assist you on your journey towards dental perfection!


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